“What more can be said except that the cruelty of heaven (and perhaps in
part of humankind as well) was such that between March and July, thanks to the
force of the plague and the fear that led the healthy to abandon the sick, more
than one hundred thousand people died within the walls of Florence… How many
valiant men, lovely ladies and handsome youths whom even Galen, Hippocrates and
Aesculapius would have judged to be in perfect health, dined with their family,
companions and friends in the morning and then in the evening with their
ancestors in the other world?”- Boccaccio, The Decameron.
Look around you. Wherever you’re reading this, whether in
the office or on your phone, look at the people around you. Everyone alive and,
hopefully, relatively healthy. Now look at 30-60% of them. Imagine them
catching a disease, almost out of nowhere, and succumbing to a gruesome death as
soon as one day later.
As macabre as this exercise may be, it barely begins to replicate
the situation the people of medieval Europe found themselves in when the plague
broke out in the mid-fourteenth century. There is almost no modern parallel
that can allow us to emphasize with the horrors wrought by the Black Death,
because it wasn’t just the disease itself that ran wild over Europe. Fear
itself dominated the continent as this mysterious illness swept through and
killed an estimated 100 – 125 million people.
That’s almost double the current population of the United
You were probably taught in school that the bubonic plague
came to Europe’s shores by rats carrying infected fleas. It turns out that the
rats are only part of the story.
During the development of a new train line through London,
workers recently discovered a plague pit of bodies that were buried quickly
sometime during the 1348 – 1350 outbreak. By studying the DNA of victims
claimed by the Black Death and the makeup of the disease itself, two factors
were established.
First, the victims were seriously malnourished. This does
not only reflect the state of poverty many people in medieval London lived in,
but also reflects the poor harvest suffered during an early fourteenth-century
drought, coinciding with the childhood of many people who died during the
plague. By being malnourished in childhood, the victims were more susceptible
to the disease as adults.
Second, the strain of plague found on the victims is
identical to the plague still found today (Y.
pestis). Yes, if you didn’t know, we can still catch the Black Death,
though thankfully modern antibiotics act as a shield protecting us. Click here
to read the story of one man who recently caught the plague from his cat.
According to the World Health Organization, “Streptomycin is
the most effective antibiotic against Y. pestis and the drug of choice for
treatment of plague, particularly the pneumonic form,” followed by
Chloramphenicol, Tetracyclines, Sulfonamides, and Fluoroquinolones such as
ciprofloxacin. (http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/plague/whocdscsredc992b.pdf
The identical nature of the plague helped to confirm several
academics’ theory that the plague was not simply transferred via flea bite, but
must have reached a pneumonic phase for it to travel so virulently and quickly
as the Black Death did back in the Middle Ages.
It’s easy to dismiss the plague as something for historians
to consider or as something that seems almost fictional, a disease for a world
of magic and witches. But the Black Death is not nearly so far away us as that.
For those of us who live and work in London, the recent discoveries serve as a
reminder that we walk the same streets as those bodies found in the plague pit.
And for everyone else, it reminds us that if we do not ensure that everyone has
access to the same nutrition and sanitation security that we all deserve from
childhood, then who knows when the next outbreak will spread?
This article was written by Alexandra Zaleski, Research Executive at Branding Science
For more information
about the medieval plague, I highly recommend Rosemary Horrox’s book The Black
Death, a compilation and translation of firsthand accounts from the fourteenth