The Multiple Sclerosis Trust have shared their blog with Cathy John, a member of the online community
Cathy introduces a new film she has been involved with to raise awareness about Multiple Sclerosis.
I found this film to be a great example of how films can be a great media to inform and motivate. They can create a long-lasting impact, by bringing a story to life and getting the message more strongly remembered.
I found this film to be a great example of how films can be a great media to inform and motivate. They can create a long-lasting impact, by bringing a story to life and getting the message more strongly remembered.
By using metaphors and avoiding medical terms, the film engages the audience with the story. The relationship between the two characters, narrated along the diagnosis of MS gets viewers to identify with them. Most importantly, it sends a very powerful message - one of hope and encouragement.
The author: Axel
Rousseau is brand scientist (SRE) at Branding-Science and has been
working on international market research and consultancy since 2008.
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