Think for a
second about your favourite character from a book you’ve read or a film you’ve
watched. Or maybe that favourite character is from a television show, or even a
podcast? What about this character makes them so great? Memorable? Is your
character a hero or villain? What makes a character a hero or a villain for you?
A hero ventures forth from the world of common
day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered
and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious
adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man
Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Is part of
their appeal because you see yourself in them? Or rather, that you want to be them or have their experiences
(and rewards, of course)? We all, on some level, would like to be the hero in
an epic story, after all.
The main
thing is here is that successful stories have compelling characters; without
them, tales fall flat. So how are captivating characters created?
There’s a
formula that writers like to follow in order to create compelling characters –
be it heroes or villains – for their stories:
MC wants (External Goal) because
(External Motivation) but (External Conflict).
Let’s look
at this in a bit more detail: Characters, they say, have wants. These wants are
governed by goals. Their goals come about because of motivation, but they
always – and this is the crux of all the most memorable, most real characters –
experience a conflict that prevents them from achieving their goals.
Now, I’m
not asking that the pharmaceutical industry write the next New York Times
Bestseller, or make a Hollywood blockbuster out of their brands.
But I
believe there is something to this idea of making their customers the hero of
their brand’s story, and not necessarily making the brand itself the hero.
It’s easy
to walk into a physician’s office and tell them why a brand is the best product
to treat their patients (typically this is done in the form of data). But does
this truly impress physicians? Yes, it will, because they are medically trained
to recognise superior products.
But what about
when it is a crowded market space, where data for these products is similar and
there isn’t much that can help to differentiate between them?

discussing your brand with your customer in this way, you are putting them at
the centre of the story and helping them to fulfil their own needs but also be
the hero for their patients.
Of course,
this can be different depending on which culture you are in. For example, in
the West heroes are typically individuals (e.g. Superman) whilst in the East
they are often based on a collective’s triumphs. Knowing your market and your
target customer is the key to any successful marketing strategy and one you
must explore before you develop your
brand story.
And again, who doesn’t wish to be a hero?
article was written by Sofia Fionda Senior Research Executive at Branding
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